About Taoist Mission

新加坡道教协会于1996年2月16日获得新加坡政府社团注册局的批准成立, 是新加坡主要道教团体之一。自成立以来一直为弘扬正统道教事业努力,并于成立当年农历二月十五日道祖太上老君圣诞之际以“道教节”名堂热烈庆祝道祖诞,希望该诞辰有朝一日能得到政府认同,列为法定假日、并从而提升道教徒的地位。 经过多年的努力推动,道教协会在2011年更是破天荒联合世界18个国家一百多个道团成功于天主教国家意大利启动“道教节世界庆典”,将“道教节”提升为世界各地道教徒共同庆祝的大日子。
Established as a society on 16th February 1996, Taoist Mission (Singapore) propagates Taoism and its objectives are to glorify Taoism and Taoist spirit; promote the Chinese cultures; advance good relations among followers of Taoism; offer welfare and social assistance to the community and foster inter-religious harmony in Singapore.
Annually, Taoist Mission celebrates Taoist Day (i.e., 15th Day of Lunar Month – The Birthday of the Supreme Patriarch of Taoism, Laozi) to promote Chinese culture and tradition, and propagate the teachings of Laozi.
At Taoist Day Celebration 2010, Taoist Mission launched the initiative to gazette ‘Taoist Day’ a Public Holiday in Singapore and worldwide. One of the objectives is to encourage greater recognition for Taoism and Taoists around the world to observe and conduct the Day with teachings in Tao Te Ching.
Taoist Mission also promotes Inter-Faith harmony and understanding. In year 1977, Taoism was recognised as one of the religions in the Inter-Religious Organisation (Singapore). Master Lee Zhiwang was elected as the President of IRO for 1999-2000, the first Taoist to serve as a President of IRO since its inception in 1949.
In 2006, at the invitation of fellow Taoists from Semarang, Indonesia, Taoist Mission sent its first oversea missionary trip. Year 2007 at the Kyoto General Assembly of World Conference for Religions for Peace (WCRP), Master Lee Zhiwang, the Taoist representative, was elected as one of Co-President to the World Council comprising of religious leaders and eminences representing world religions.
Successively, in 2011, Taoist Mission rallied hundreds of Taoist organizations from 18 countries to celebrate Taoist Day worldwide. The “Taoist Day Worldwide Celebration” was launched in Italy, a Catholic nation.
With heavenly blessing Taoist Mission took over the historic 180 years old national monument—KTW building as its “permanent home”. After more than 4 years of fund raising and restoration, the restoration project is at its final phase. A Consecration Ceremony will be held on 1st Jan 2015 to install the Three Pristine Ones, Jade Emperor and designated deities in the SYHG Pavilion.